Monday, February 17, 2014

Being a Jeweler on Valentine’s Day

When I primarily worked in Illustration, Valentine’s Day for me was similar to most guys. However now that I focus on making jewelry, valentines has become a hotspot for crafting commissions! Furthermore, the piece I craft for my own relationship took a few (enjoyable) days.

  I make work in several price ranges, from $20 charm necklaces; to $200 silver set stone charms. This most recent holiday I crafted a unique cut quartz style stone for my significant other.  Set in 16ga. Sterling silver, with a pewter collar and stainless steel chain.

  Alongside that, my locket style necklaces earned several sales. Ranging in different interior options, the customization makes these necklaces a hot and convenient seller. 

  Nowadays I get approached by return costumers every year around V-Day who are interested in a one-of-a-kind piece to give to their sweethearts. And I’ve got to say, I love it! I get to fashion my own gift for my date, and my smaller sellers more than make up for the material cost. 

  I learned this semester however, that as social media increases my network- I need to start dedicating more time to the holiday! Last week involved a few 12 hour work days, and a skipped class just to meet orders.

   I feel like next year I’ll be pre fabricating a set list of jewelry to post for sale, and limiting my last minute side commissions- especially the ones which need to be shipped! Either way, I survived this V-Day, and learned more about next years preparations!


  1. Replies
    1. Why thank you! Im happy to say my girlfriend agrees! the locket style necklaces are going to be up on etsy soon!
